Drop tests

Prevent damage due to free fall

Drop tests

A free fall may occur anywhere, even during the assembly in the factory, but more often during the logistic trajectory. During the transport from the production location to the final customer, the packaged product will, regrettably, be tested involuntarily. Several measurements show that a packaged product will, on average, endure a free fall from a significant height ten to twelve times. It would be quite unpleasant for the consumer should the product arrive damaged after such a long journey. The well-known DOA (dead on arrival) causes a field return rate of 15% with some companies. By using the following equipment, you will be able to avoid DOA returns easily. You can also request  a reliable package test for transport.

Precision drop tester

Using the precision fall or drop tester, you can drop packaged products exactly flat. A pure, flat fall on one of the six sides of a package has the most unfavorable shock impact on the packaged product. There is a maximum transfer of the energy released on impact to the product. The shockproof material usually has the lowest load per mm2 with a flat fall.

The drop table of the drop tester is moved down with a velocity higher than the velocity of the falling product. This way, the product is released from the drop table. Next, the drop table rotates backward. The advantage is that the package will not rotate and thus this test guarantees a pure, flat impact test that can be reproduced. The drop tester is outfitted with a fixation unit that holds a package in the proper position for drop tests on a corner or an edge. Drop tests are meant to be the final verification of the packaged product and its packaging, to assess if both comply with the required fall height.


  • Drop height: stepless from 1 to 365 cm
  • Max. test weight: 68 kg

Quick release hook or drop hook

For products too heavy or too large for the precision drop tester, a drop hook or quick release hook is used. A fall height of approximately four meters can be reached inside the laboratory, depending on the size of the packaging. The pallet or container drops on a seismic mass of more than 50 tons. Outside of the laboratory, the fall height is unlimited in principle.


  • Fall height: unlimited
  • Max. test weight: 4.000 kg

Velocity drop tester

S2T has developed a velocity drop tester for the testing of small objects. The weakest link (per direction) in the design is determined very quickly with this device. The precision drop tester can reach a velocity of ten meters per second. It will allow you to determine the influence of an extreme force executed on the product.


  • Fall height: stepless from 1 to 500 cm
  • Max. test weight: 35 kg

Repeated Rotational Free Fall Tester

During the life cycle of a product, it may fall down multiple times. Take your mobile phone, for example. During its life span (usually about two years) it will fall from low altitudes about 300 to 500 times. To simulate this fatigue damage, you can use a Repeated Rotational Free Fall Tester to avoid surprises.


  • Fall height: 50cm
  • Max. test weight: 5 kg

Integration of the fall and vibration requirements during the design will result in lower product and package costs. Guaranteed.